Our first stop on the Last Maestro (TM) road show was a great success!
We met with a number of medical professionals & investors at Harvard Medical School's VR Symposium. The attendees were very enthusiastic about The Last Maestro(TM) product demo.
Yael Swerdlow, the CEO and Founder of Maestro Games, SPC was a featured presenter for this critical symposium.
Also, we are pleased to share this video that features one of the attendees experiencing The Last Maestro(TM) first hand!
But don't take our word - check out the written testimonials below.
Through the interactive meetings held during the Symposium, Maestro Games has begun partnership discussions with key universities that were in attendance.
Director of Digital Initiatives - NMHIC, University of Colorado
Subject: My brain feels "lighter"
Quote: "Fantastic experience. We do lots of demos and this was the best content and experience I have seen in quite some time! The dynamic nature of the experience, the changes in light and environmental context, the length of the experience were all notable! I particularly enjoyed the ability to act as a conductor as I used to dance and the fluidity of the experience reminded me of that. When asked how I felt after the experience, the only way I could describe it was that my brain felt "lighter" especially in the frontal lobe area. I can envision a number of potential use cases for this content. Great work."
Pediatric cardiologist at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Subject: VR Music and pediatric ICU
Quote: "I loved the Last Maestro; thanks for the demo. Let's keep in touch, I will talk to my team at Stanford and I'll hope to connect you. Thank you"
M.D. & XR Meetup Organizer, Copenhagen, Denmark
Subject: Voice Health Symp.
Quote: "Loved it. I immediately felt the chemistry in my body change. Couldn't stay seated and just felt like dancing. One thing though. I want two sticks! :)"
Pediatric Ronald O. Perelman Dept. of Emergency Medicine, NYU School of Medicine
Subject: Maestro
Quote: "The mountain background was beautiful. I'm interested in using VR/AR for patients with opioid addiction. Curious if you have thought about this population in your design at al"