Healthcare workers are experiencing monumental amounts of work stress, anxiety and burnout. The impact of Covid 19 is only compounding those experiences, intensifying their compassion fatigue and inability to cope with their work.

The Challenge Given to Maestro Games:
Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) was looking for mental resiliency building technology that their staff can use on an individual basis without supervision, while staff are on a break. Maestro Games’ “The Last Maestro™” provided staff with a powerfully uplifting gesture based VR experience that could be done in under 5 minutes of time anywhere the staffer could find an open 3’ by 3’ space.
The Benefit:
In a usage survey conducted by CHOC, nursing and other staff found The Last Maestro™ reduced their stress levels and recommended the experience to other staff, patients, and patients' families.
Result: After seeing potential benefits for their staff, CHOC has expanded their usage survey to include other areas of the hospital and are looking to expand The Last Maestro™ usage into patient care. For more information on the study or its results, please contact